hidden words of truth

The truth behind hidden meanings uncovered through life's journey.

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Wind, Glorious Wind

Remember the phrase: Rain, Rain, Go away; come again another day!
I believe water damage is the worst issue to deal with in your home.

However, Wind is now a close second!

I moved into my home in 2018; a modern home with newer ~ well ~ everything(!) compared to my previous home. Within the last year we’ve had several wind storms, which I thought wouldn’t be so bad where I live. My home is not in the direct canyon path, but it does sit on a ridge to the north of a canyon, and we get quite a lot of wind here. Two storms with over 60 mph winds have wreaked havoc in our neighborhood, and this second wind (last night) took out almost half of my brand new roof.

Granted, the last windstorm was in September, and I worked for several months with my insurance company to finally get it replaced. I wasn’t thrilled that it would happen in the winter, for sure, but they told me it would be fine. They do roof repairs all year round! Well, I’m not so sure I’d ever do THAT again!

I think there’s a reason why doing it in warmer weather is best for your roof. It has something to do with how it seals together.

Most of my new roof pieces are strewn across my backyard, front yard, and even in my neighbor’s yard. All I can do at this point is sigh, S I G H. The image here is today’s work by the roofing company to cover up the damaged section of roof. The yard looks like discarded roof wreckage!

I’m speaking the new phrase: Wind, Wind, Go away; Come again another day! Year! Decade!